Our Old Orchard Beach Vacation Planner is perfect for travelers and locals alike! Inside we share the best places to eat, play, stay and explore in and around our beautiful beach community. You’ll find hotels, inns, oceanfront rentals, restaurants, attractions, amusements, arts, outdoor trails, pet friendly tips and so much more! Take a look at the 2025 Vacation Planner Guide!
Explore all things Old Orchard Beach in our Online Vacation Planner & Guide...
Our Old Orchard Beach Vacation Planner & Guide has all the information you need on local events, hotels, restaurants, shopping, activities, real-estate, rentals, year-round information and so much more!
To request a FREE 2025 print copy (English only) of the Old Orchard Beach Vacation Planner & Guide in the Mail, please complete the form below:
NOTE: Le Guide-Vacances Old Orchard Beach version imprimée est seulement en anglais. La version française va être disponible en ligne bientôt.
Old Orchard Beach vacation planning made easy with our annual Old Orchard Beach Vacation Planner guide.
What’s inside?! We include everything you need to plan your BEST beach vacation: accommodations (hotels, motels, inns, b&bs), rentals, real estate, shopping, dining, camping, and so much more! We also keep everyone up to date with a FULL calendar of family friendly events and activities happening in Old Orchard Beach throughout the year. There’s even tide charts and local maps for your reference! We work diligently at the Old Orchard Beach Chamber of Commerce to make our Vacation Planner better and better each year offering all the BEST tools and information you need before and during your stay.
Our Vacation Planner is available in print and online! New editions are released in the beginning of each year.